Follow steps outlined in Mercury's 'Do Guide'.How should HDMI cables be connected to the Mercury?.The port currently is not active and will not support any other USB device that is connected to it. The USB Aux port is for support of future Crestron devices that will be introduced at a later date.In the web configuration menu, go to AVF and Log and select Download.In the web configuration menu, go to Device and download the Device Logs.If you purchased the incorrect license, please contact your Support Administrator to return it for an exchange.How do I upgrade to the AV Version? Do I need an RMA? I purchased the non-AV version of Mercury.Hold down the Help button on the Mercury's home screen for 10 seconds, revealing System Info page and showing if HDMI and AirMedia are checked.How do I know if this version is the AV version of Mercury?.Using the Cloud Provisioning tool (Not Yet Released).Select the location of the PUF file to be uploaded, then select 'Firmware Upgrade'.Using the web configuration, you can update firmware from the Device menu.Mercury ships with auto-update enabled.